Hospital Logo

Deaconess University Health Center

HP 0091

8600 University Blvd

Evansville, IN 47712


Check in now to save your place in line at Deaconess University Health Center.

If you have a medical emergency, please call 911.

Select your Reason for Visit and then an available time. We will send you a message to confirm your visit. You can also request a text reminder.

If your preferred time slot is not available, check online for availability at other nearby clinics or walk in to be seen based on the order of arrival. Online check-in is not required. However, it is recommended to reduce the amount of time you may spend waiting at the clinic.

Online check-in is not an appointment. It is the estimated time that you will be seen once your registration is complete. You will complete registration when you arrive at the clinic. Patients who have checked in after you but have critical conditions may be evaluated before you.

Please select an appointment type and provider to see available times

Visit Time is required.

Please fill out rest of the information

minutes before my visit

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